
Monday, February 18, 2019

The Functional Point

Here was our laundry room before we started the remodel, back during the New Years holiday.  We are so close on our laundry room remodel.  So close that it's fully functional and we can't seem to get ourselves to work on it.  I'm hoping next week we can officially post a reveal.

In other news:  Anyone else's mood totally shot from all this "winter weather"?  I just can't seem to function as a normal person anymore.  I recently read this interesting article from Goop about seasonal affective disorder.  I definitely think I have most of these symptoms and in the future would really like to look into finding things to look forward to in the winter.  I just think for now, the winter means being cooped up with all the kids.  If we can get passed the "kids are ALWAYS sick" phase of life, I think making sure we have a trip planned in the winter could be a great thing to look forward to.  I keep trying and trying to get everyone to want a trip instead of presents for the holidays.  Maybe this next year will finally be the year it happens.

These last couple of weeks I had lots on my plate for school volunteering.  I wound up signing up for more than I had expected too.  I don't mind helping out at school at all.  But I definitely feel stress when things keep piling up.

I've read articles that a part-time job for a mom can be the best option.  In the past I've pushed myself to work full time (and that was way back when we just had one kid) and with all of Bella's special conditions, it was just too much.  So I went to part-time.  I've tried to stay home each time I had another baby, but I would only make it a couple of months and would actually need the sanity break from my kids, and working was a good solution.  I had to stay part time because there is no easy answer when it comes to care for Bella.  So I am a slave to the school and Bella's schedule.  I've been lucky that my career has allowed me to work part time.  And as working remote gets more advanced, I can even work from home some days.

For me, there are two downsides to working part-time.  The first thing is that you don't ever really feel part of a community.  You are not a full time -slave to the job, employee.  You can't take the big projects, or the promotions.  You have to turn down the social experiences.  You also are not a full time stay at home mom, that can schedule playdates or mom dates.  That doesn't have to worry about working.  You have your feet in both worlds, so you try your best to be part of both worlds.

Secondly you have even more things on your to do list that you have to decide the priority on.  I really struggle with this.  What should I spend my hours on today.  I am paying for daycare so every hour is costly.  To make the most money I should be working.  I also need to run errands and it's much easier during the daytime and without additional children (not to mention impossible if Bella is around).  The house is a mess and should be cleaned.  I should also throw in a couple loads of laundry.  Oh and everyone has been complaining about nothing to eat, so I should really make a home cooked meal today.  Oh I also need to pay bills, maybe I can sneak that in too.  Hey, I also promised to work on myself and fit in yoga everyday.  A shower would be nice too.

The list goes on and on.  And to be honest lately, it seems like prioritizing a to-do list is pointless anyways, as the kids are usually home because of holidays, snow days, or someone is sick.  It's been a never-ending winter.

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