This is the question my husband asked me the other day as I was stressing out over all the things I needed to get done before we can leave on our trip. Not too mention we weren’t seeing much of each other, as I was always heading off to the sewing room when the kids went to bed.
And there is definitely a point to it. Buying fabric can add up, but it’s usually cheaper than paying for the clothing item in a store. What you have to remember to add in is all the time it takes you to get the item finished. I am still at the point that I think I can get something accomplished much quicker than I can. I will only need to do a few things to finish up something and then look at the clock and realize two hours have been sucked gone.
At the end of the day I have started to make more clothes because I do find it enjoyable. I like to be creative and this has definitely been a good outlet for me. Most times though, it would make more sense time management wise, to just go out and buy things.
I was looking at some of my favorite browsing online stores. You know the ones you look at for inspiration because you can’t really afford to buy any of their pieces. I happened to stumble upon a dress at Anthropology, this dress is being currently sold for $98.
Now what’s kind of amazing and funny about this, is that I just recently finished up sewing a new dress for myself. I bought the fabric last year and all together it probably ran me $20. I used a pattern I already had (Simplicity 1881) and the dress went together really quickly. Now remember I had completely finished sewing this dress before I came across this one on the internet.
It’s almost exactly the same. And had I picked out a different color stripe, it would have been a dead ringer. In this instance sewing the dress was definitely worth my time. It also gave me a chance to learn a new skill, inserting an invisible zipper. Mine didn’t go exactly as I wanted, and you can see it peeking over the top. But now I know how to do it.
This dress will even work in the “in-between” seasons by throwing on a denim or chambray shirt.